About Me...

About Me.

Born Nancy Elizabeth Nelson.
Changed the spelling of my first name to Nancie when I was in 7th grade because I wanted to.
Married and became Nancie Nelson Bartley when I was 30.

I'm sixty years old. (Eek!)

Spent the first 30 years of my life growing up, traveling, playing, becoming myself.

Spent the next 30 years being a wife and a mom.  Somewhere in there I feel like I lost a little of myself.  The last kid has graduated from high school.  The middle one has launched herself.  The oldest one is still working his way through. The next thirty years are mine. I plan on loving my family and friends, hopefully figuring out what I want to be when I grow up and sharing the journey with anyone crazy enough to want to follow along.

As I type this I wonder...will the internet still be the way to communicate thirty years from now? Think of the changes in the last 30 years, 40 years, 50 years. Wow. I'm pretty sure one of the challenges on the list will have to be  "Learn how to use the ixplat" or whatever we are calling the next big thing in communication.

Anyway, join me in rejoicing in the next thirty years.

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